4 Reasons to Customize your LinkedIn URL — Execute – Steve Sammons Blog

LinkedIn Short URL

When anyone creates a LinkedIn profile they are assigned a default URL. The default URL contains random impersonal letters and numbers. Securing a customized URL is a free feature provided by LinkedIn and the upgrade is free and only takes a few moments to accomplish.

There are four reasons to simplify your LinkedIn URL.

  1. Reinforces a consistent personal brand
  2. Provides an easy to remember and share URL
  3. Increases overall visibility
  4. Improves tech-savvy image

Building a durable brand online requires both frequency and consistency and a customized LinkedIn URL is one of the building blocks.

Here are the steps to customize your LinkedIn URL:

1) Log into your LinkedIn profile.
2) Edit your Public Profile
3) Edit your Public Profile URL (it’s located in the top right corner of the page)

For the most professional URL, try http://linkedin.com/in/firstnamelastname. If that isn’t available, add your middle initial or industry.

Here’s a more detailed instructional link:


Here are some additional posts in improving your LinkedIn profile:

17 New Ways to Make Your LinkedIn Profile Irresistible

10 Tips for Supercharging Your LinkedIn Profile

Warning: Paste the Facebook ID to the Facebook App ID field in Settings -> Connect -> Facebook

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